RSC will host two informational meetings on Thursday, March 28th in the Library at Radnor High School.  At both, you will hear from, and get to meet, Alan Mezger (RSC Director of Soccer), Kirk Johnson (RSC Director of Coaching) and other leaders/coaches from the Club.  You will also be able to hear more about this year’s tryouts, RSC’s travel soccer program, and secure coveted volunteer opportunities!


7:00-8:00 pm:  Meeting for Parents of Prospective U7 Developmental, U8 (2012BY) and U9 (2011BY) Players.   

  • Is travel soccer right for my child?
  • What other options exist at RSC?
  • What are the time and participation commitments, especially if my child is invited to play on a Samba team?
  • Who will be the coaches?
  • How much will this cost?

We will cover these and other topics.  Feel free to ask questions of RSC Board members, Alan Mezger and Kirk Johnson.


8:00-9:00 pm:  Meeting for Parents of Other Prospective Travel Players. 

This is your chance to find out what travel soccer at RSC means this year for you and your child.

  • How will this year’s travel soccer be different?
  • What is involved?
  • Who will be the coaches?
  • How much will it cost and why?
  • How might the Radnor Soccer League offer my child a different or better option?

We will answer these questions and more.  And we will be happy to hear from and listen to you.

Call for Volunteers.  The kids play only if you help.  We need volunteers at many levels and will be happy to discuss those opportunities with you.

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