To: All RSC and RSL Families:

We hope you all enjoyed a terrific holiday season with family and friends.
While it seems like the fall soccer season just ended, preparations for the 2018-19 soccer season will begin very soon. That process includes reshuffling and redefining roles for those parents who can help move the club forward. We remain dependent on volunteers who are willing to spend a few hours a week working to help our children develop the character and citizenship typical of our great community.
As you know, the Club made significant changes this past year. While we feel confident we are on the right trajectory, we are also aware that there is room for improvement. With these factors in mind, we reach out and ask you to consider taking a more active role in the success of RSC. We are all busy people. But if we share the duties, we can accomplish great things for our kids. To that end, we have defined roles that can be filled with a reasonable commitment of time, including:
–Social media / RSC website content
–Event planning
–Facilities / fields management
–Accounting/Insurance/Tax/Legal assistance
–Liaisons with our leagues, EPYSA (Eastern PA Youth Soccer Association), the Philadelphia Union and local universities and colleges
–Fundraising and scholarships
–Various soccer operational roles during the fall, winter and spring.
In addition, we are always looking for potential new RSC board members.
Our doors are open wide to many more volunteers. Please do not hesitate to step up because you feel you have little experience or think that RSC is a “closed shop.” Neither should hold you back. We seek friendly, caring parents who can share a few extra hours.
Please contact if you consider volunteering and mention the role you are most interested in.

With respect and in service to our children,

The Board of Directors
Radnor Soccer Club